Verse of the Day

Confusing News

Are you starting or are you way past being confused by all the contradictions being reported on the news each day as much as this girl is?

For me she pretty much sums up the confusion I am feeling when I turn on the news just to try to get the weather report to see if I can get out to get some fresh air.

But do we need to allow these people, so-called experts,to start us spinning out of control into a frenzy of confusion, chaos, depression, and even worse hateful agendas against others also facing this pandemic?

The Bible tells us we need to trust in the Lord. Today’s verse reminds us how much better off we are when we “take refuge in Jesus than in man”. (Psalm 118:8)

Let’s take some time today to take shelter in the Word of God. There we will find all the hope, love, peace, healing, and joy we will ever need.

Here are a few verses I find comforting when I am searching for a little peace in the pandemic.

God is enough. He is enough to get us through these uncertain times.

Look Up, Let Go, Live Joy.

2 thoughts on “Confusing News”

  1. Thanks for the encouraging scriptures. Good to keep our minds on scriptures and not on the news.


  2. I am finding I totally need the scripture and not the negative news these days. I pray for those who have lost loved ones to this terrible virus, it would be nice to hear, though, how many people are actually recovering.


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